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How The Colour of Packaging Affects Buying Choices

Choosing the right colours for your beverage packaging materials may be the deciding factor in your product’s success. 

When you choose the right colour box packaging it could evoke emotions that could result in more purchases of your products. Colour psychology affects how people feel and react. We’re going to help you understand why colour should be a major consideration in your products, packaging and advertising. 

Studies Show: Use More Colour! 

While people typically research products before they buy, the final decision is based on emotion, which is why packaging colour schemes are so important in encouraging purchase decisions. 

  • 85% of customers say colour is the primary reason for their purchase decision
  • 75% of impulsive purchases on consumer products are based on colour and attractiveness of packaging. Particularly in the absence of information on product differences, according to Inc. Magazine
  • Adding colour increased logo and brand recognition by 80%.

Colour Trends in Packaging

Colours correlate with feelings. We’re always looking for trends in the product packaging sector. For example:

  • Pastels: Pastel hues make people feel at peace and relaxed. 
  • Colour Gradients: From sunsets to popular cocktails to your favourite craft beer, these gradient transitions evoke enthusiasm, tranquillity and serenity. 
  • Green: Green implies environmentally-friendly box packaging materials. The market for eco-friendly packaging is in high-demand now, and we are seeing a huge lean into green packaging. 
  • Red: Links to high energy and an edge up. 
  • Orange: This colour screams “look at me” and is linked to fun feelings. 
  • Blue: Think confidence, trust, calm and security. 
  • Colours as Flavours: Yellow suggests lemon flavour, while red suggests cherry flavour,  and so on. 

These colours signal to customers by standing out on the shelf, showing off which ones are a part of your brand, and what flavour each beverage represents. Colours make choices easier. Using specific colours is how you can sway purchasing decisions, but don’t forget about other important factors like product quality and brand awareness in building your customer base. 

Choosing the Right Colour 

Choose the right colour box packaging by: 

Considering the customer

Tune into your target market. What do they like? How do they want to feel? Pinpoint their demographics like age, gender, socioeconomic levels and education to figure out their motivation and design for them. 

Sticking to Your Brand Colours 

Brand consistency is extremely important with colour box packaging. Feel free to experiment with colour for new products, but always keep clear brand identifiers so your target can easily recognize your brand. 

Providing Information 

Colours can tell the customer what type of flavours to expect from this package. The hue of the box might signal to the customer that these beverages are perfect summer sippers, or maybe they would enjoy this variety pack by the fire, etc. 

Communicating the Objective 

Is your brand laid back and relaxed, or always ready to go? Use colour to tell your customers how they might feel while enjoying your beverages. 

Other Factors 

While you want to use colour to make your brand stand out, you also want to differentiate from your competition. The research above cites how people associate colours with certain emotions, but different generations perceive the feelings behind colours differently, so make sure to do your own research for your target audience. 

Let Us Help With Your Packaging 

Talk to our design team about the emerging trends in the paper box industry. We can offer advice to create your next stand-out design. Easily place orders and set your products apart . Contact us here for more information. 

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